No Greater Love has anyone than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:13

Mayor Amor - Men’s Rescue Home

When we started the men’s addiction recovery home, we thought we were going to change some peoples lives. But the truth is, they’ve changed ours!

Ready to lead a mission team? Plan a trip with us!

No Greater Love Shop

Check out the latest merch from our shop! ALL proceeds go straight to our ministry and help us rescue, bring hope & healing to those in need.

The Story Behind Our No Greater Love Orphange

God laid the vision, to rescue children, on our hearts in 2019. Since then, the Lord has brought in the funds to purchase a property, build phase 1 and 2, and bring in the orphanage directors. The need is urgent to rescue children from the streets. With man this may seem impossible, but with God ALL things are possible! Check out the ORPHANAGE tab to see more of our heart for the orphans of El Salvador.


The Farrant Family

Jonathan & Alicia along with their 5 children are passionate about bringing hope everywhere they go. Whether that is in the villages of El Salvador, the mountains of Guatemala, or wherever the Lord leads them. They are visionaries with a heart after God. They said “yes” to God’s call to missions in 2003 and have never looked back!

To find out more about the Farrant’s, visit the ABOUT US tab. You can also purchase Jonathan’s books that gives a deeper glimpse at their history in missions and heart for God.


Impact Nations is a non-profit organization that was started by Jonathan & Alicia Farrant. Through Impact Nations they are able to impact thousands of lives with their different ministries like: Wigs of Hope, Jethro’s Children, No Greater Love Homes, and the No Greater Love Orphanage. The organization was first founded in 2012.

EIN: 80-0821724

Please email us at with any questions or ways you can sow into this ministry.