The No Greater Love Orphanage
“Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for a friend.”
- John 15:13
How It All Began…
In 2017 the Lord spoke to my wife and I about launching an orphanage in El Salvador with the purpose of saving children, restoring hope and changing destinies. It was a giant step of faith for us with having 5 children of our own, we understand the amount of love, finances and guidance that it takes to raise up children. We didn't want to jump into anything without soaking into prayer for discernment and planning.
That same year we had two pregnant teenage girls in crisis offer us their baby. Realizing that there was a true pregnancy crisis need, I began to research statistics on mothers in crisis and the number in El Salvador is astronomic. Statistics show that over 5,000 mothers a year abort their babies because they don't see any other alternative. We searched for a ministry or organization that offered an alternative for pregnant mothers in crisis and discovered that the options were limited. The imminent need is great!
The beginning.
Ground Breaking
March 22, 2019 was a historic day for our ministry. We were able to break ground on the construction of two homes. We felt very honored to have several Pastors representing various churches as we anointed the grounds and surrendered this entire project to the Lord.
Firm Foundation
We believe the last 20 years of ministry has prepared the foundation of our lives and hearts to rescue many children!
By June 2019 a structure was built for the first two homes. God has provided every step of the way and watching this come together is incredible!
Making Progress
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
After 2 years of hard work and through all the many trials, God has been faithful! In October of 2021 we official finished phase 1 & 2 of the 4 phases for the No Greater Love Orphanage. As we wait on the finalizing of our paperwork, we are praying over each child who will come into our home. We pray that every child feels the love of Jesus and for the Lord to use us to guide them to become great men and women of God.
We are in the final stages with the El Salvador Government to ensure all of our paperwork is legal and we are ready to begin welcoming children into our No Greater Love Orphanage. Please continue to pray as we waiting on the paperwork to go through their legal system.

Let us not grow weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!
Galatians 6:9