How long will our trip be?
We host 6 day missions trips. This includes the day you fly in and out. If you choose to come for more days your ground costs will increase.
Does everyone need to have a passport?
Yes!! This will be your most important document. Be sure you allow yourself plenty of time to get your passport if you don’t have one yet. If you have a passport, double check the expiration date to be sure it hasn’t expired.
Are there any customs forms that we need to enter the country?
While on the airplane they will give each team member an immigration document which they will need to fill out completely. Most everything is self explanatory but here are a few helpful tips when filling out the form:
Passport Type: check ORD (ordinary)
Foreseen Address (where you will be staying):
El Salvador: K59 Shutia La Libertad, El Salvador.
Guatemala: 22 San Luis Pueblo Nuevo, Guatemala.
Do we need a special visa to enter the country?
Guatemala: No, once you arrive at the airport in Guatemala each person will receive a stamp in their passport, allowing them to be in the country for up to 90 days.
El Salvador: Yes, once you arrive at the airport in El Salvador each team member will be required to pay $12 for a tourist visa. We recommend each person has exact change as sometimes change is not available.
Where will we be staying during our trip?
Guatemala: Your team will be staying at the Peter Farrant Impact Center in the village of San Luis Pueblo Nuevo, located 20 minutes outside of Antigua, Guatemala. Our Impact Center can host up to 40 people. You will be sleeping in dormitory rooms with community bathrooms.
El Salvador: Your team will be staying at the K59 Impact Center in the village of Shutia. Which is located 20 minutes outside of La Libertad, El Salvador. Our Impact Center can host up to 30 people. You will be sleeping in dormitory rooms with private and some community bathrooms.
What will the weather be like?
Guatemala: The area where our Impact Center is located is called the Land of Eternal Spring! The weather is 70-75 year round and may be cooler at night. A light jacket is recommended.
El Salvador: The weather at the K59 Impact Center is HOT!!! Most days are in the upper 90’s. Lots of sun and heat! Because the camp is very close to the equator the sun is more powerful so please be sure to pack lots of sunscreen. We highly recommend SPF 50 or higher…trust me you will still get tan even with that amount of SPF. 🙂 You will also need to drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
*If you are coming durning the summer this is the rainy season in both countries. Expect it to rain very hard once a day typically in the afternoon.
Will there be internet connection?
There is no Wifi connection at either of the Impact Centers. We can offer internet to the team leader if desired for an additional fee. I know many team members like to purchase the overseas internet package on their phones, however we encourage everyone to disconnect from their phones while they are on the trip. We do this to help each team member focus 100% on why they are here and not be concerned with what is happening back home. We have seen God move in such a great way when we can unplug for a week and allow Him to speak into our lives.
What can we expect our ministry week to look like?
We are very flexible and will accommodate different ages or types of teams. Depending on the type of team you bring, you can expect to do at least some of the following ministries while you are here:
School Assemblies:
God has opened great doors for us to minister in many of the private and public schools. During a school assembly program we will do the following: ice breaker, personal testimonies, drama/human video, and bring a message of hope. Depending on the school we can give an alter call and pray for the students. Afterwards we will give time for your team and the students to connect. Each assembly program lasts approx. 45-60min.
Street Ministry:
For street ministry we will host a program in a local park or town square. Much like the school assembly program we will do an ice breaker, testimonies, drama/human video, and bring a message of hope. During a street event we will also have an alter call and pray for the people.
Children’s Ministry:
We will either do a children’s outreach at the Impact Center with the local children in the village, at an elementary school or at an orphanage. During a children’s outreach we will do an ice breaker, children’s songs with actions (ex. Father Abraham, Jesus Loves Me, or any upbeat children’s song you can put actions too), a Bible Story (ex. Jonah and the whale, the Good Samaritan), you may also like to bring a short illustrated sermon, and a small craft (ex. salvation bracelet, coloring, or other type of craft). During our children’s outreach time your team will have plenty of time to play and spend time with the kids. You may like to bring candy or give away items to hand out to the children.
Cancer Hospital:
(El Salvador trips only) We have had a huge open door to minister to the children and their families at the cancer hospital in San Salvador. We are not always able to visit the hospital with every team but if we are able to go we can only bring up to 4 team members. The hospital is very strict with the number of visitors and no photography of any kind is allowed.
Church Service:
When we are given the opportunity to be involved at a local church, we will be given the entire service to minister or we will be given the time after worship to minister. Church services will be done much like our other outreaches with personal testimonies, drama/skit, a sermon, and praying over the people.
Work Day:
We will have one day or half-day to work on the Impact Center or other local project. You will be doing some sort of construction type job. (ex. mixing cement, shoveling dirt, laying blocks, etc.) Please bring one pair of work clothes/shoes you don’t mind getting dirty.
Free Day:
On your last day you will have time to relax and reflect on your trip. Depending on which country you choose, your day off will look different. At no point during your day off should anyone be walking around by themselves!
Last Night Meeting:
We will have a last night meeting at the end of your Free Day. 🙂 During this meeting we will go around and have every team member share what God has done in their lives during the week. This is a great time of personal ministry and we have seen God move mightily during our time of sharing!
**Most importantly be prepared to flow! We will have a schedule for you when you arrive but we will need you to be ready for plans to change. God always has a way of making everything work for the best!
How will we communicate to the people during our ministry time?
We will translate any message or testimony that we do during our ministry time. Things to remember when using a translator: speak in short phrases or sentences, use common words and terms, and give the translator time to translate. When you are out with the people and no translator is available, you’ll be amazed at how much you can communicate through a smile, a hug, and a high five!
Should we bring giveaway items?
Yes, if you are able to bring giveaway items that would be great! We not only use these to giveaway for fun but also to draw a crowd during our various ministry times. Here are some of the things you may want to bring (these are only suggestions, bring whatever you can):
candy (no chocolates because they melt)
clothes (used clothes are just fine)
small school supplies
back packs
toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, etc.)
toys (marbles, jacks, small items)
hair bows, ties, ribbons, or headbands
BE CREATIVE and bring what you can!
Will everyone need to give their testimony?
Yes, we will be calling on every team member to give their personal testimony at some point during your trip. Please be prepared by knowing what you will be sharing before you are asked to share. We strongly discourage reading your testimony. If you are struggling to think of what your testimony is, here are a few questions to get you going in the right direction:
What has God done in your life?
Was there a certain time where God showed up and helped you?
Remember that a testimony doesn’t have to be when you first accepted Christ but a time when God touched/marked your life. Here are a few key things you will need when preparing your testimony:
Find a scripture that relates to your testimony and use that when you share.
Find a leader or trusted friend you can share your testimony with. This will help you to get comfortable speaking your testimony out loud.
Your testimony may be the message that someone has been waiting to hear. Don’t be shy, speak boldly what God has done in your life!
What can our team do to best prepare for our trip?
The #1 thing we encourage each team to do in preparation for their trip is to PRAY!! We have seen God open great doors through the power of prayer! Here are a few other things you can do to prepare:
practice dramas/skits
practice testimonies
learn several worship songs in spanish you might even like to learn small phrases in spanish to help you communicate better with the people. (hola/hi, adios/bye, como estas/how are you, etc.)
Prepare several children’s ministry messages including small crafts.
Remember to bring your best attitude and come ready to serve.
What will we be eating and is it safe to eat the food?
God has provided us with a great cook who will be making typical dishes. Everything is cooked in a clean environment and Pure Water is provided at all times. However, you can also be prepared to eat several times when we go out to minister. These meals are prepared by the locals and are safe to eat. We have a 75% rule which means we would like everyone to eat at least 75% of the food you are served, even if you don’t love it. 🙂
Is there anything we shouldn’t bring?
We recommend that everyone leave any item that could be a distraction during their trip. Some of those items may be: gaming toys, music that doesn’t glorify God, or any electronic that will distract you from what God has for you. If you have any questions please feel free to ask us at any time. We are always here to help you!

“Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”
Mark 16:15